SC Launch Configurator 2.0

Frequently Asked Questions

We kindly request that you send all errors, bugs, and issues via email to us at: info@luftwerft.com
To assist us in resolving the issue, please attach your Error Logfiles with your email.
You can find these in the folder: "C:\Users\Your Username\AppData\Local\Luftwerft\SC Launch Configurator\ErrorLogs"
Error message: "Your PC was protected by Windows"
This message is displayed by default when Windows SmartScreen is activated and the publisher of the program is not registered in the Microsoft SmartScreen filter. You can bypass this message by clicking "Install anyway". In some cases, you may need to click on "More info" to display the button.
Error message: "You must install .NET Runtime to run this application."
This message appears if Microsoft .NET Framework 8 is not installed on Windows. Confirm the error message with "Yes" and install the official .NET Framework 8 to run the application. You can also download and install Microsoft .NET Runtime 8 directly from the Microsoft website:

Download: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/8.0

Error: After specifying the "\StarCitizen\" folder, the entire contents of the folder are deleted.
If the SC Launch Configurator is installed and subsequently launched while the RSI-Launcher is still downloading and installing a build, it can lead to an access violation on the folder „StarCitizen“. Consequently, the RSI-Launcher loses access permissions and completely deletes the builds.

Please start the SC Launch Configurator only after the download of the builds has been fully completed!
Error message: Access denied!
If the "StarCitizen" folder is installed within a system folder (e.g., Programs, Programs (x86), etc.), you need elevated access rights to these folders.
  • Either start the program as an administrator
  • Or move the "StarCitizen" folder outside of a system folder
Error message: The directory: "..." is not a valid Star Citizen Channel!
A subfolder within the "StarCitizen" folder has been found that does not contain a valid channel. Often, these are self-created backup files.
It is essential to remove this folder and its contents from the "StarCitizen" folder!
Question: Where can I find the error log files?
All error log files can be found in the folder: C:\Users\Your Username\AppData\Local\Luftwerft\SC Launch Configurator\ErrorLogs\
Question: Is the SC Launch Configurator free?
Yes. The SC Launch Configurator is free and offered as so-called donation-ware.
Question: Does the program need to run in the background automatically?
To use all the functions of the program, it must run in the background.
Otherwise, neither changes to the game settings are recognizable, nor can the ICM, for example, work correctly.
Question: Can I start the RSI-Launcher and Star Citizen independently of the SCLC?
Yes, as of version 2, you can start both programs (SC Launch Configurator and RSI-Launcher) separately.
The SC Launch Configurator detects both the launch of the RSI-Launcher and Star Citizen, and begins its work in the background.
Question: Why are some areas in the SCLC grayed out?
As long as the RSI Launcher and/or Star Citizen are actively running, you cannot access some areas in the SCLC. This serves to protect against a crash of the applications.

Note: Enable the option: "Quit launcher when window is closed" in the RSI Launcher under "Settings" to always completely close the RSI Launcher when exiting.
This prevents an accidental editing restriction in the SCLC.

Question: Does this program violate anti-cheat regulations?
No! Since the program does not affect the functions or operation of the RSI Launcher or the game at any time.

For more information on anti-cheat and CIG rules, please visit the following websites: